We love for our Parents and other family members to come and eat lunch with their Walnut Grove dragons. However, we do have some procedures that we have to follow:
Tables for parent and child are outside of the cafeteria.
Parents are only allowed to sit with their child. Students cannot bring a guest.
Additionally, parents are requested not to come for lunch during the first full-day week of school and during STAAR testing.
We are always looking for volunteers in the Walnut Grove Cafe to help serve lunch to our WGES Dragons. To sign up to volunteer, please visit the sign up sheet.
Carroll ISD restricts all peanuts and tree nuts from classrooms; this includes daily snacks, birthday celebrations and class parties.
Personal daily snacks may not contain peanuts or tree nuts. They do not have to be
prepackaged with a label.
Classroom consumption foods must be coordinated by the parent with the classroom
teacher, be store bought and have an ingredient label attached to the packaging.
Labels that states the following are NOT permitted as a classroom consumption food:
• “Contains peanuts or tree nut ingredients”
• “May contain peanuts or tree nuts”
• “Processed on shared equipment with nuts”
Thank you for helping keep our Dragons safe; although we cannot guarantee nut free, we can all help to reduce the risk of nut exposure. For safe food options please visit